Sunday, November 6, 2011

Keeping track....

Yikes - I flipped the calendar over this week, and realized that the "Day of Reckoning" in terms of my 2011 plans/ goals/ dreams was almost at hand.

So, how have I done so far? I decided to take an inventory of some of my goals/ dreams (I won't catalog them all here, because as my kids would be happy to tell you "Her resolutions take pages!"), but here are a few:

1.  Lose 25 pounds - I have lost 9 lbs. My goal is to lose 3-4 more pounds before the end of the year to reach my halfway point.

2. Finish writing my book and send it off to an editor- this is one of my "dreams" - I define dreams as goals straight from the heart. I was successful in completing my book, and it is in the hands of three editors. This goal is right on track.

3. Move my two nonprofit organizations ahead - I have made small progress with one, very little with the other. This is a new goal for 2012.

4. Develop a new friendship - this goal was achieved in surprising ways. An old friend from the past and I reconnected and have been corresponding, now making plans to have dinner.  A surprising way to make a "new friend".

What are your dreams and goals? What success have you had in moving them forward? What are your plans for 2012?

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed seeing your goals list for 2011. Hard to believe it's almost time for another list.

    As for me and my list... I'm sure it's around here somewhere (in a pile of paper).... paper is my bugbear.... I'm really trying not to print off quite so many articles and stuff from the internet.
