Friday, July 22, 2011

Leaving the City for a Country Acreage....

Twenty-one years ago, I left my city life to move to an acreage in the country. The closest town to my home consists of 37 residents, mainly artists and craftspeople. At the time I left, my mom gave me three months, knowing I would miss my lattes, bookstores, plays, and Cardinals baseball team. And I did and still do.

But, I what has kept me here on this hilltop acreage is that I have gained more than I have lost. I have gained horse and cattle (not mine) grazing around my home. Instead of spending my time in traffic after a long day at work, I watch deer, turkey, hummingbirds, and sunsets. 

I won't tell you that this city girl doesn't miss her roots from time to time, but the view from this hilltop is breathtaking... and for now, it's mine.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

What is your dream? Here are a few of mine...

Now that my nest is emptying, I am disciplining myself. Yes, through the years of raising children, working, paying bills, I have had many dreams - started many projects and then set them aside. But, with my nest ready to dust out, I am focusing on these projects and disciplining myself to get them completed-- all the while indulging in those small endeavors (new recipes, travel, reading) that I love. I am developing and building on my faith life -- seeking to be fruitful.

What are your dreams? The winds are blowing.. before this world "knows us no more" let's jump in a seize the day! Here are a few of the projects I am working on:
  - two writing projects
  - straw bale gardening
  - exercising on a regular basis
   - cooking new recipes
   - meeting new friends

What are some of your goals/ dreams??