Monday, January 2, 2012


Friends - 
Have you ever been ready for a new year? I mean sooooo ready? Emotionally, that is where I am. I am soooo ready to begin again - and grateful for the opportunity!

2011 was an amazingly wonderful year, as most years are. Highlights of the year include: the marriage of my daughter, my daughter's college graduation, turning 50 on Sanibel Island with my whole family there with me, starting college visits with my son, completing the Bible studies I had set out to finish, finding two new authors whose work I love, visiting college campuses with my son, breaking ground on a new community services building at work, attending a writers' workshop, starting new mission projects at church... I could go on and on.

Yet, there are times when I want to start again, reassess my goals, write new ones, and move ahead. What has really energized me this year is that for the first time in 27 years, my husband is excited about the new year and writing his list of goals.  Maybe its catchy?

So here we go: what do I want to accomplish this year and what are my big dreams?

Here are the more routine resolutions - changes/ refinements to my daily routine:

1.  On the heals of my 8 lbs loss last year, I want to reach my goal weight by losing 11 lbs. more.
2.  I want to exercise at least 5 days each week.
3.  I plan to study scripture at least 5 days each week.

My "midsized" goals are:

1.  To redo my vegetable garden, trying new heirloom varieties of plants
2.  To finish editing my book
3.  To develop a new blog - and to do a better job of maintaining this one

My big dream goals are:

1.  To find a publisher for my book
2.  To launch my nonprofit dedicated to helping no kill shelters
3.  To begin a new ministry

... and I am so excited! Big dreams are alive and well in this prairie!

How about you? Send me your goals - your big dreams. Write them down and pledge to achieve them in 2012!

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