Monday, May 28, 2012

Drunken Butterflies....

...fill my prairie field. It seems that everything is in bloom, and the butterflies and hummingbirds simply cannot get enough of it!

The hummingbirds are energized by the nectar. The bees a bit lethargic. But, the butterflies are simply drunk with the sweet syrup of late spring. They land on hands, flit to shoulders, and loop through the air - bouncing on breezes - without a care.

And, I find myself walking a bit slower, breathing a bit deeper, and drinking in all that is around me - bouncing butterflies and all!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

A Bit Perturbed...

As I previously posted, hummingbirds are one of my favorite birds... by the time summer comes, I consider them nearly to be pets. When fall's cool breezes stir, and they pack their little bags for warmer weather, I feel a bit blue as I clean the feeders and place them away until the following spring. Yes, humming birds are one of my favorites - but not my absolute favorite. That honor goes to....

...the ever elusive Baltimore Oriole!
From the first day I saw that flash of orange across the prairie sky, I was hooked. I wanted more!

These beauties are hard to spot. They flit and fly - and it is only when they are airborne that you see that brilliant orange blaze.

So, why am I perturbed? 

My feeders - two types - are ready - cleaned and filled - waiting for them. One is full of bright orange liquid - that looks just like Tang. The other is a votive candle holder full of grape jelly that sits in a white bird-sized gazebo. Really, these feeders are lovely. Just ask the humming birds who are gorging themselves on the Tang....or the wasps who think the grape jelly is divine.

But, you can't ask the Baltimore Orioles.... they aren't here!

(But, if you see them, put in a good word for my little prairie feast!)

Friday, May 4, 2012

Gardening bit by bit...

Yep, that's me... umbrella in one hand, planting flowers and feeding birds on the other.  Every single day this week, we have had rain. And, though I am tempting to stomp my feet and complain, I know we really do need these showers.
So, I am gardening in bits... pull a weed here.... prepare a bed there... hoping for clear skies on Sunday... we'll see.
How does your garden grow??

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Finally...They're Back....

...those wonderful, sometimes wicked, tiny, buzzy birds!

Nearly four weeks ago, when the temperatures reached a high in the 70s during the day but dipped into the mid-40s at night, I went up to the machine shed and retrieved all of the feeders for the summer birds - humming bird and oriole feeders - and cleaned them thoroughly. I made my first batch of hummingbird nectar, filled the feeders, and waited. After about five days of checking feeders from time to time throughout the day, what did I get? 
So, I dumped out the nectar, cleaned out the feeders, and refilled them.
One week later... more ants.
I let the feeders sit there, full of yucky ant-ridden nectar through the recent rains. Then, two days ago, I decided to try again. Today, we had torrents of rain, followed by sunny skies and warm ripples of wind. I opened all of the windows and sat down to write... when I heard it. A buzzzzz like a ginormous bee followed by several shreiks - almost like angry mice. I turned and saw them - yes, them. Two male hummingbirds, each claiming my feeder. Off and on, all day, they drank, chased, and bombinated at my feeder like two adolescent cowboys vying for the same piece of land.
I imagine the ladies lay in wait....
So, welcome back little tikes!
So much better than those pesky ants!