Saturday, April 28, 2012

Lilacs Galore!

I love this time of year - the succession of bloom... crocus, then Tulip Magnolia, next lilac, followed by tulips, and soon after....lilacs! Of course, this year, everything is a month early. On most years, the lilacs appear on the scene just before Memorial Day - and here we are, still in April, and we have lilacs galore!

Someone asked me if everything blooms early, what happens in late fall? Do fall bloomers stick around - or do we have a four week window when all the plants just hang out, waiting for frost? I guess we'll find out soon enough!

But for now....bloom, bloom, bloom!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Ending and Beginnings.....

We have had quite a few landmarks during the past two years in our family. My daughter got married, got a new job, and now is expecting our first grandbaby, My oldest son is starting a new job. My parents are moving from their home of 51 years to a new, beautiful place. My nephew is getting married. And, my youngest son is giving me all those "last" experiences... last prom for one of my children, last graduation, last sporting event, last choral concert, etc. And, even though I do mark each of these with a touch of regret, I have learned that, truly, life offers no dead ends unless we seek them. There is always a choice for a new adventure, a new project, and new way of showing our children we love them, a new way to love God by loving those around us. 

Today, one of my family members asked me if "the last prom" made me sad. I had to think about it a bit and I realized that yes, I am sad about the kiddos growing up - but I wouldn't want them to stay little forever. I want them to meet their mates, serve God, have their own children, etc. So, if I want all of those things for them, I have to have "lasts" for some things.

And, "lasts" bring "firsts" such as our first grandbaby, our first trip together without children present, nights when we work on our own projects, when we have time to explore new dreams.

So, no dead ends here...only new directions! New dreams out here on the prairie... 

How about you?

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Managing the Lush Days of Spring...

During these lush days of spring, I find myself pulled in so many directions. Gardening... work... writing... family times.... church... routine/ mundane errands.... what to do, what to do?

I am trying to new ways of managing all of my "I have tos" and "I want tos".
First, I am trying to plan ahead, scheduling days off, looking forward and scheduling when things can be done. I mean a month ahead - that much to be done! This includes buying seeds and flowers, cultivating beds, planting canna bulbs, buy baby and graduation gifts... all those things that, if not scheduled, seem not to get done.

Next, I am trying the "nibble" method of accomplishment. When my to do list gets overwhelming or discouraging, I try to do a bit of what I need to do at a time - for the projects I don't relish - and schedule large blocks of time for those I do enjoy doing. This includes cleaning, working on a paper that is due, and sending out invitations.

Lastly, I am trying to structure the items on my to do list. For those items I want to do - but find it difficult to carve out sufficient time (such as my Bible study, exercise, etc.), I am scheduling them in conjunction with other items. Now, my husband or I read our Bible study to the other while that person cooks dinner. I find ritualizing behaviors helps "cement" them. Next I plan to ritualize my treadmill time - but this is a bit harder task! 

Block, Nibble, Ritualize - techniques I am using this busy spring, wanting to get so much accomplished. Spring has sprung, and I feel it in my bones.... time to shake off the dormancy of winter and move ahead... but in a bit more structured manner.

How are you getting your spring frenzy under control?


Saturday, April 7, 2012

Awaiting Easter....

The fasts are done; the Aves said;
The moon has filled her horn
And in the solemn night I watch
Before the Easter morn.
So pure, so still the starry heaven,
So hushed the brooding air,
I could hear the sweep of an angel's wings
If one should earthward fare.
~Edna Dean Proctor, "Easter Morning"

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Readying my Spirit...

I always prepare for the new year. No matter what is happening, I pause and take time to write my goals in great detail for the year to come. A new year. A new calendar. 365 blank pages just waiting there for me to fill. It almost takes this planner's breath away.

But, during this Lenten season, I realized more and more that Easter is really the day for new beginnings - a new season for the heart. So, as this time of reflection and repentance is quickly moving to the day of new life and celebration, I am developing a short, sweet list of resolutions to maintain this spirit of renewal. I need to move my time for Bible study and reflection higher on my list of daily priorities. I want to focus more time on my ministry. And, I want to "ritualize" the process of seeking God's will in my life first, seeking His guidance before making decisions. I want to reduce the space between me and Him.
How are you preparing your heart for Easter?