Friday, February 17, 2012

This is the day that the Lord has made....

Let us rejoice in it and get busy!!

I took a day off work to catch up and refocus on my goals for this year. First, my husband and I did our Bible study together. Next, I completed our taxes and the FAFSA for my son's admission to college. Then, on to the tasks I love to put off: cleaning bathrooms, calling the plumber, etc. And, as soon as I complete this posting, I am off to do my weekend cooking, (which I love to do!) - chicken vegetable soup and homemade spaghetti sauce. Then, I will work on tasks for three nonprofits I help out. My goal? To get these miscellaneous tasks done so I can focus on my writing - in 3 hours, I want no excuses to stop me from moving ahead with my passions.

I love days when I force myself to stay focused and on task - when I check items off and then reach the time to do "the big stuff" - my time for dreams and goals. The Bible reading starts the day off on the right track - it reminds me Whom I serve and Whom I love most.

What gets you energized? How do you stay focused and productive?
Jump in here!
Blessings -

Sunday, February 12, 2012

New Adventure -- Grandma!!!

Of all of the "gifts" I received for Christmas, this was by far the best... I am going to be a GRANDMA! What a wonderful, beautiful surprise my daughter has given me. And, the countdown has begun... we will be counting down the weeks until June 15th (perhaps even longer!)... waiting for this baby's arrival! I understand that being a Grandma is just "the best" - you can do all of the fun things with them, make memories, and send them to mom and dad for the hard work. Does it get any better than this? Jump in ladies - this Grandma-in-waiting can use your advice!